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Student Assistance Fund for Eastern (SAFE) Crucial for Students During Pandemic

a graphic for the Student Assistance Fund for Eastern Kentucky University

When Eastern Kentucky University established the Student Assistance Fund for Eastern (SAFE) last fall, a global pandemic on the scale of COVID-19 was only the stuff

EKU Receives First-gen Forward Designation from NASPA

first-gen forward institution logo

EKU is widely known as a school of opportunity with extensive resources for first-generation students. As a result of those efforts, the university was recently named a First-gen Forward institution by the Center for First-generation Student Success, an initiative of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and The Suder Foundation.

EKU Continues as Number One "Best for Vets" in Kentucky


Eastern Kentucky University has long been ranked as a great school for military veterans, and this year is no different. The “Military Times: Best for Vets” 2020 rankings once again placed EKU in the top 10 percent of public universities in the nation and number one in Kentucky as the University prepares to offer new services and grants for its military and veteran students.

Gen 1 Conference

Gen 1 Conference

Friday, Nov. 8, was national First Generation College Student Day, and approximately 150 educators at all levels from Kentucky and several other states converged on the campus of Eastern Kentucky University to discuss ways to better serve those who are the first in their families to attend college.

New Military Affairs Director Barbara Kent Takes 'School of Opportunity' Mission Statement to New Level

Barbara Kent

Grateful for the opportunities the university and the military gave her, Kent sees her new office as the perfect way to give back. “To join the Military and Veterans Affairs team and support our current and future student veterans, service members, and dependents in achieving their educational goals is an honor and privilege,” she said.

EKU Online Named Top Ten Among Military Friendly Schools

EKU Military Students

Eastern Kentucky University’s online degree programs rank among the best for military members and veterans. EKU Online earned a “gold” rating and was named fifth on Military Friendly Schools’ Top Ten list of online and vocational schools.

EKU Student-Athlete Graduation Rate Rises


Eastern Kentucky University student-athletes are graduating at a rate of 86 percent, up from 82 percent last year, according to the NCAA Graduation Success Rate (GSR) report released by the organization recently.

Graduation Rate More Than Doubles in 8 Years

EKU Grad

The four-year graduation rate at EKU continues its steady rise, and has now more than doubled in an eight-year span. Roughly one in three students from the Fall 2014 freshman cohort graduated in four years. The 32.7 percent record is up from 29.98 just a year ago and well above the 15.67 mark for the 2006 freshman cohort.

QEP Leader Profile: Dr. Gill Hunter

Gill Hunter

EKU's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) recently did a feature on QEP leader and Executive Director of Retention and Graduation, Dr. Gill Hunter. 

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